For most of my life, and more and more as an adult, I suffered with strange illnesses, which no medical professional could fully understand. Finally, I was diagnosed in England with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Until then I was just told I was atypical for this and for that, and they weren’t at all sure, but anyway I should try lactose-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, yeast-free, vegan, no alcohol, more exercise, and plenty of meditation, affirmations and positive thinking; I needed crystal therapy and definitely had to revisit my belief systems… It all led to quite a bit of personal growth, but my strange pains, my weird inflammations and sudden ilnesses, and the feeling of living in a ticking time bomb - my own body - never went away.
My professional background is in theatre, but my career was destroyed by severely deformative rheumatoid arthritis. I started spending more time with doctors than friends, and tried more alternative treatments than ice cream flavours. I lived social distancing long before covid19 because I did not know if my body would agree, once we got to Saturday evening, to take me to the cinema.
I should be fair, I saw a lot of great alternative therapists and actually many treatments gave me some relief - but only temporarily, and my dwindling finances did not allow me to pay, long-term, for all the vitamins, minerals and alternative treatments I was prescribed by the endless doctors, therapists and counsellors. I admit I was beginning to lose all hope of a normal life.
And then, some months ago, a friend told me about the frequency therapy with Healy. As I had already had positive experiences with bioresonance therapy I was intrigued. I was exhausted from looking for help - I don't know if I was more tired of listening to myself telling people that I was in pain, or not talking about it and acting as if everything was alright.... But I was very careful with this new hope, I had so often had so much hope and had so often been so disappointed. But today I can say, through the daily application of Healy frequencies, I suffer less pain and less inflammation, and I have more energy. I also have some of the independence I used to have in my old life back. I have become both very fond of and very enthusiastic about Healy. What is more, pretty quickly, the kickback of saving money on therapists means the Healy has already paid for itself.

Towards and beyond Healy ...
For me the Healy is not a 'miracle cure', it is simply a more reliable and effective support than nearly everything else I've tried... - a very powerful tool!
For the best results we should drink at least one glass of water with every Healy treatment. Most people don't drink enough water anyway, and people who take medication should drink even more water than everyone else. We need to be hydrated before we use the Healy because the Healy works using micro currents which flow through the water in our body. By building up the right cell voltage the Healy encourages the cells to function optimally, or at least closer to their optimal performance ;)
I also use the Healy Bach Flower Program, Amino Acids, Schüssler Salts and Materia Medica ... and I take magnesium, zinc and other minerals orally when needed. Among other things, I still take turmeric with black pepper - a wonderful old natural remedy that has an anti-inflammatory effect. I personally use the Healy daily, but I don't want to give all responsibility to the Healy....
I lived in Asia for a long time and learned there that, in addition to the very western 'either / or' attitude to life, there is an 'as well as' attitude that is much less stressful and more balanced, allowing for learning and change about your own body and well-being.
I still avoid dairy products, but haven't had to be as rigorous since I've been using Healy. I still strictly avoid pork and pork products, because even Healy can't save me from the flare-ups that follow eating pork.
As always, I think it is important to use your common sense and take into account that we are all different and react differently: you know your body and your health. I know people who have used Healy once and were immediately convinced by it. After buying the Healy there is a 14-day money back guarantee, but for me a real improvement of less pain and less inflammation - only started after 3 weeks. Nowadays sometimes I notice an improvement immediately after running a Healy program - or even during it. Our bodies also have to get used to frequency therapy. That is why the Deep Cycle, which comes with every edition, only becomes available 14 days after delivery of the Healy (via update on the internet), because right at the beginning, without having got used to frequencies, it can have too strong an effect.
We should not hand over the responsibility for our well-being to Healy, but use it for what it is: a tool that we can use independently. As always, too much is never good: digitalis is both a poison and a heart medicine - it always depends on the dosage. In my first few days using Healy I decided to run too many programs, but like some experiences in my youth, it was a period that passed - and without any harm being done!
I would like to encourage people to use the Healy - it helped me after years of pain and honestly, sometimes desperation. Out of my positive experience with Healy, I recommend Healy - it gave a part of my old self back....

The link to the Healy-shop:
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